May 21, 2024 – A

Reelfoot Lake Panorama — Reelfoot Lake State Park, Tiptonville, Tennessee
Inherent intuition is the guiding force
in the natural world.

Everything knows what to do!

Geese fly south in the winter,
and north in the summer!

Monarch Butterflies migrate to Mexico!

Plant a seed and it will grow upwards!

Babies know what to do with a nipple!

We know what is "us" and what is "not us"!

Where we belong and where we have no business being!

And we spend way too much time ignoring what we know
and doing what is wrong for us
because that's where the money is.

You can't pay a butterfly to not go to Mexico,
but you can pay us to work in a coal mine.
And on an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico.

We dismiss, discount, disregard our intuition
time after time,
and wonder why our life stinks so.

We think we know more than our intuition knows.

I have lost count of the times I have heard,
"I knew it wasn't going to work when I married him/her."

It is time we start listening to what our intuition knows.
And has been trying to tell us all along.



Published by jimwdollar

I'm retired, and still finding my way--but now, I don't have to pretend that I know what I'm doing. I retired after 40.5 years as a minister in the Presbyterian Church USA, serving churches in Louisiana, Mississippi and North Carolina. I graduated from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, in Austin, Texas, and Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, Louisiana. My wife, Judy, and I have three daughters, five granddaughters, one great granddaughter, and a great grandson on the way, within about ten minutes from where we live--and are enjoying our retirement as much as we have ever enjoyed anything.

14 thoughts on “May 21, 2024 – A

  1. One of my very profound ‘glimpses’ into the nature of reality came while I was watching a video about Monarch Butterflies migration! As I saw a whole bunch of them synchronously fluttering together as if one big organism, and then gently landing on the branches of a tree…almost like a very large bird, settling down, and then they got very still suddenly! I was touched deeply and was transported to another realm for few minutes…later I was trying to analyze what happened in those moments. I think the sheer beauty and the miracle of so many ‘separate’ creatures acting in such a synchronised manner without any prior training or practice…just caught me by surprise, in that wonder and awe, I crossed the immediate sense of ‘my’ own separation and had a glimpse of the divine oneness…
    Your mention of migrating Monarch Butterflies reminded me of this experience (from about two years back)!


    1. I think large flocks of birds in flight exhibit that kind of unified oneness in movement. No “leader” is making decisions and giving orders! Every member of the flock is reading music from the same sheet, like an orchestra at its best, or dancers on stage moving as one… When we are “in the flow” our movements are directed by something beyond us–basketball teams, or soccer teams, or hockey teams experience the phenomenon from time to time, but becoming conscious of it seems to disappear it, because, I think, it is an unconscious phenomenon of a united intuition like electricity powering all the parts into one wonder-filled whole. Leaving “WOW!” as all that can be said, along with the memory of its happening and the dream of its hoped-for return.

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  2. I’m wondering about a path to “attunement,” to living in accord with, in sync with the unknown inner inherent/intrinsic/innate intuition (perhaps known as the “Tao”?) through all the times and places of our life. Would that be equivalent to “Buddha mind”? To “Buddha mindedness”?


    1. Buddha mind is simply the natural mind. When not cluttered with the imposed, conditioned reactions, reasoned calculations, motivated to serve a personal self, whatever operates in its awareness and purity is the Buddha mind. Yes, it must be, has to be the same as Tao, and living in attunement as you say, will be same as living with the flow.
      The ‘effort’ would only be of being aware, so we do not allow the conditioned to intervene in our ‘interpretation’ of the natural flow and recognize clearly what comes from intuition and what comes from the conditioned mind.
      I see it very much possible practically- the more we keep aware of our own awareness, during every moment of daily life…the more we get in tune with the intuitive living… so it does get better with practice in my experience at least.

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      1. You should publish this. Become its proponent. Proclaim it far and wide. Serve it with your life. Make disciples of all nations. It is the heart of all true religions everywhere. All of the talk comes down to this. This is what all seekers are seeking. What more could there be? You have expressed it in the most succinct way ever, I’m sure. All the sutras come down to this. The harmonization of butterflies is essentially the natural mind being naturally mindful of itself being mindful, and going wherever that takes us, as one with all that is. Whatever we say in the future will be a restatement of this. We should refine it further to a short chant along the lines of “Aum, mani padme hum”! Seriously.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I am sure you have been touched with something here, which speaks more to your state of receptivity in these moments, rather than whatever has touched you!

        Thank you for your very generous words, but I don’t think there is anything new under the sun- what understanding you and I have stumbled upon, in essence has been around, has been recognized and even expressed in different ways by many across time and ages…because it is the truth, the reality, which does not evolve or change.

        We, as humans are conditioned by different influences depending on our individual context, so we respond to different ways of thinking, expression and relating to the same truth. But the truth itself is the same timeless truth everywhere! Those who see it see this clearly, no matter which religion, culture, tradition, language, race or nationality they identify with.

        Those why are thirsty for truth, find it. There are so many loudly proclaiming it everywhere, it is like always raining wherever we are! All we need is an empty bowl to collect it, when we are ready to receive, we are filled with it!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I looked into my folder and found this, description that I had written the next day, of what I mentioned above! Here it is:
        “The Monarch butterflies

        I was watching a video about the migration of monarch butterflies, when I was suddenly struck by the sheer beauty of these majestic creatures landing on a cluster of trees to roost.

        They fluttered in unison across the bright blue sky, pulled by a magical flow of nature.

        Then the whole swarm of hundreds of butterflies perched on the branches almost like a single beautiful organism with delicately patterned wings, some shut still and some flapping gently, to expose their mesmerising bright orange hues.

        Seeing this, I was so impressively reminded of the oneness inherent in all the apparent multiplicity of life. The beauty, the wonder and the absolute divinity that connects everything that exists and pervades everything that we see around us.

        The miracle of life moving as a whole, creature after creature, generation after generation, species after species, into a continuous flow of existence.

        The little ripples and waves are born, sustained, absorbed, into the immense river of wholeness and perfection flowing from eternity to eternity. Always new, always fresh, always alive, with the grace of whatever is and what we are.”

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  3. Butterfly mind in flight, flying, stopping, resting, suddenly still as one.

    Butterfly mind, Buddha mind, one mind.

    Intuition’s masterpiece. All being one together.

    Across time and space.

    Now is instantly everywhere.

    Faster than the speed of light.

    Intuition unites us all.

    Invites us all to be still and know we are one

    natural mind together.

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  4. This is a reply to your note “I looked into my folder…” — This is beautifully said, and eternally timely in every moment—a truth-filled perspective to the truth of our own being, which we realize when we take the time to see what we are looking at. We are always that close to realization in every moment!

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    1. And further, I take this most recent “butterfly coincidence” and pool it with what I find to be an interesting collection of “coincidences” with a number of people who “drop by here,” which leaves me to posit an atmosphere of “like-minded-ness” creating a mutually safe, receptive place for us all to be open with each other and, equally important, free to be open to ourselves, both of which are necessary for us to be “at one with self and another” in communing with ourselves and each other, generating connections and producing coincidences a higher rate than one might find on a city bus on our morning commute, or a stroll on a local greenway. And I am glad to be a part of this experience with you all.

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      1. Yes, you are right!
        Thank you, for sharing your daily musings, they create valuable opportunities to contemplate and articulate many things of utmost importance, for all your readers!

        Liked by 1 person

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