June 28, 2024 – A

Tupelo Gum Swamp — Savanna National Wildlife Refuge, Georgia/South Carolina
The path unfolds before those
who start walking
in the service of their intrinsic intuition,
with no outcome
or destination
in mind.

To walk as a devoted partner,
not as a way of getting somewhere,
is to be mindfully aware
of each moment
and what is called for there
as the purpose of the journey.

This here, this now, is the point!
How faithfully do we respond to what is needed?
Is liege loyalty and filial devotion apparent?
Is fealty afoot?

Not where we are going,
but HOW we are going,
is the question of the way
that is asked of all travelers.

Be prepared for the question
every step along the path.

Published by jimwdollar

I'm retired, and still finding my way--but now, I don't have to pretend that I know what I'm doing. I retired after 40.5 years as a minister in the Presbyterian Church USA, serving churches in Louisiana, Mississippi and North Carolina. I graduated from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, in Austin, Texas, and Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, Louisiana. My wife, Judy, and I have three daughters, five granddaughters, one great granddaughter, and a great grandson on the way, within about ten minutes from where we live--and are enjoying our retirement as much as we have ever enjoyed anything.

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