June 15, 2024 – A

North Carolina Vineyards
Waiting it out 
has a clear advantage
over other options.

Particularly over forcing the issue
and going to war,
and suicide,
and alcoholism...

Native Americans are waiting it out.
Palestinians are waiting it out.
LGBTQ people are waiting it out.
People of Color,
Descendants of slaves,
The poverty stricken,

The list is long of people who are waiting it out.

And while they wait,
they remember.
They know.
They will not forget.
They will wait it out.
As long as it takes.
Over generations.

What are you waiting for?

Published by jimwdollar

I'm retired, and still finding my way--but now, I don't have to pretend that I know what I'm doing. I retired after 40.5 years as a minister in the Presbyterian Church USA, serving churches in Louisiana, Mississippi and North Carolina. I graduated from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, in Austin, Texas, and Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, Louisiana. My wife, Judy, and I have three daughters, five granddaughters, one great granddaughter, and a great grandson on the way, within about ten minutes from where we live--and are enjoying our retirement as much as we have ever enjoyed anything.

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