June 06, 2024 – A

Three Maple Trees 11/19/2018 — Indian Land, South Carolina
Listening to our body
is listening to our intuition
speaking to us though our body.

Intuition is a Right Brain process,
and the Right Brain isn't much for language--
so it speaks with images in our dreams,
and with physical symptoms and sensations,
trying to get our attention
and our cooperation.

Everybody knows what the "Uh-oh Feeling" is.
Where is that located in your body?
Several places, perhaps.

Our body is the playground of intuition,
and intuition is our secret power
for navigating the trials and ordeals of life.
Learning the language of intuition
puts us in its service
and provides us with guidance and direction
through the heaving waves of the wine-dark sea.

Practicing being with emptiness, stillness and silence
is practicing being open and available to
intuition and imagination
in service to our original nature
and our inherent virtues/virtuosities
(What we do best and enjoy doing most)
in doing what is called for in each situation as it arises,
all our life long.

No one could ask more of us than that.


Published by jimwdollar

I'm retired, and still finding my way--but now, I don't have to pretend that I know what I'm doing. I retired after 40.5 years as a minister in the Presbyterian Church USA, serving churches in Louisiana, Mississippi and North Carolina. I graduated from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, in Austin, Texas, and Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, Louisiana. My wife, Judy, and I have three daughters, five granddaughters, one great granddaughter, and a great grandson on the way, within about ten minutes from where we live--and are enjoying our retirement as much as we have ever enjoyed anything.

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