June 05, 2024 – C

Sunflower 2019 — Pike Nursery, Charlotte, North Carolina
The foundation of theology is 
"I And Thou."

The foundation of spirituality without theology is
"Thou Art That."

The movement is from relationship
to identification/inclusion.

The movement to identification/inclusion
is grounded in the realization
of the oneness of all things.

That oneness is experienced
by consciously reflecting on
the "Zone of Confusion"
that exists between the "I" and the "Not I,"
or the "I Am" and the "I Am Not."

And exploring the question
"In what ways is the 'I Am' one with the 'I Am Not'?"

The lines separating us begin to blur
at some point
and become indistinguishable
the closer we look.
Or the farther away we get.

Chaos disappears as we get closer
and as we get farther away.
So does the Zone of Confusion.
As we get closer and farther apart,
oneness is increasingly difficult to declare.

At what point are we two?
At what point are we one?
It all depends upon our point of view.
How we look determines what we see.

When Jesus declared,
"The Father and I are One,"
he was not saying anything
everyone could not say.

Duality is apparent only within a limited range.
Move closer or farther away
and the lines of separation merge
and disappear.

Theology is a narrow point of view.

We expand it in emptiness, stillness and silence
in the present company of our original nature,
our inherent virtues/virtruosities,
and our intrinsic intuition--
knowing that we are one with every living thing
in these aspects of existence,
and in many others as well--
and allow our awareness in these areas
to deepen and expand over time,
so that the silence becomes a threshold
to oneness with all things in our imagination.

Before you know it,
imagined reality becomes
indistinguishable from the real thing.

The Taoist, Zen, and Buddhist masters lead the way here.

What we experience as real
may as well be real.


Published by jimwdollar

I'm retired, and still finding my way--but now, I don't have to pretend that I know what I'm doing. I retired after 40.5 years as a minister in the Presbyterian Church USA, serving churches in Louisiana, Mississippi and North Carolina. I graduated from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, in Austin, Texas, and Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, Louisiana. My wife, Judy, and I have three daughters, five granddaughters, one great granddaughter, and a great grandson on the way, within about ten minutes from where we live--and are enjoying our retirement as much as we have ever enjoyed anything.

10 thoughts on “June 05, 2024 – C

  1. Dr. John Klein, a teacher of the ‘direct path’ who taught traditional non duality (Advaita Vedanta teachings, from India), said that once we have a geometric representation of Reality in our minds (clear concepts) and we understand that we share the Oneness with all that IS, there is no real separation between “me” and the “other”, except as a concept / idea…we should then, start acting on this understanding (even if we are not yet convinced entirely). We should start living with this assumption and see what happens. If it (Oneness) is really the truth, whenever we outwardly align our lives with this assumption, our life is in tune with Reality, so we find Balance, Harmony and Peace in each situation. If it is not Truth, then nothing will change for the better. We should test this in our daily lives and see the outcome for ourselves! He said, this is how we make this our own experience, and get full confidence in this Truth. Until then, it just remains ‘something heard’ from somewhere else.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, and I have personally experimented with it multiple times, in very specific and tricky situations to test his advise 🙂 When I could have acted as a separate “me”, or as someone who shares “Oneness” and act consciously from this knowledge…there was an immediate difference and outcome, which has never disappointed me or caused any doubts…

        Liked by 1 person

  2. This would be like exhibiting/expressing empathetic personal concern to others, taking no offense, exhibiting no opposition, but offering interested, positive, responses–as though they were our best friends–throughout our interchanges. It will require attentive mindful awareness of the process and moderating our inner reactions, and with practice we could become masters of the art, and people will feel better when we are around just because they are being received well, listened to and heard. This is well within the reach of all of us, starting right now! Thanks, Ramble!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Do you realize how revolutionary this is? And how simple? And how totally foreign it is to the standard operating procedure at work governing all of our interchanges throughout the world, where domination, triumph, victory and success over all our opponents/enemies is the unquestioned, unexamined rule of the day???

        Where in your life do you experience the kind of open, empathetic, warm, friendly receptivity that you have described? I worked with five congregations in three different states over the course of my life where winning was the only focus, only interest, only concern. I was the only one operating as you describe.

        It is radical. And essential.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. You are right. This is a fundamental transformation, which can only happen within one individual at a time. People like you, who are naturally in tune with this, can touch as many lives as you come across and may be along the way, it ‘transforms’ those who come in contact with you! If not, they probably will take their own course to find the truth in some way, someday…We can all hopefully carry on with what we know to be right, serve what comes our way to be served and leave the rest to follow its own way, !

        Liked by 1 person

  3. So much for “saving the world”! There is no corporate Waking Up! Individuals “turn the light around” for themselves via “the path that chooses them”! Takes the burden off the few who “stumble upon the light” themselves, but it isn’t a very efficient way of getting things done. You might think our intuition would slap us around in our dreams at night, shouting, “WAKE UP!”

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