June 05, 2024 – B

The Garden Brook — Blowing Rock, North Carolina
Hermeneutics is at the heart of who I am.
From the Greek word "Hermes," the messenger of the gods.
The Roman name for whom is "Mercury."

As Hermes, the Master of Interpretation, Knowing what's what and what matters most,
Hearing, seeing, understanding, knowing, doing, being...

As Mercury, Trickster, play-on-word master, who cannot be pined down,locked up, explained, known, defined, made plain and real...

Bringing all of that together in "Hermeneutics."

My kind of gig.

Saying what cannot be said.
Laughing at the very idea.
Trying to keep a straight face
as though I know what I'm doing.
Seeing what I can get by with.
Seeing what I can see...
As though it is essential--
because it is!


Published by jimwdollar

I'm retired, and still finding my way--but now, I don't have to pretend that I know what I'm doing. I retired after 40.5 years as a minister in the Presbyterian Church USA, serving churches in Louisiana, Mississippi and North Carolina. I graduated from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, in Austin, Texas, and Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, Louisiana. My wife, Judy, and I have three daughters, five granddaughters, one great granddaughter, and a great grandson on the way, within about ten minutes from where we live--and are enjoying our retirement as much as we have ever enjoyed anything.

5 thoughts on “June 05, 2024 – B

  1. Google says “Hermeneutics is all about interpretation” so I agree with you!
    A lot of what you are writing here is about interpretation of what many people ‘think’ they already know, but have probably never give a thought to it. You invite, encourage, challenge and inspire them to revisit, what they think they have already seen, heard, done etc. and do it again with fresh, open eyes, ears and mind (inviting fresh interpretation of the facts as they are, rather than as they were always believed they were).
    So yes, you got his right 🙂 ‘ Hermeneutics’ describes your approach accurately!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for the confirmation! I take great delight in knowing that everything we think is merely our interpretation of everything. All we know is our interpretation of the world as we perceive it, inner and outer. And what makes us think we know what we are talking about? We are all like Mercury in that way. Hermes becoming Mercury going back to being Hermes… Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde, each of us, all the way.

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      1. We almost certainly do not see things as they are, our views are frequently compromised via a screen of interpretation, this is built of our memories, experiences, influences and conditioning and because it is an evolving changing screen, we end up changing our views, over time.
        The point is, the truth does not change. A direct view of the truth as it is is always available, and the moment we see our ‘screen’ as it is and know it and accept it for what it is, in that moment, we see reality as it is (which includes everything, including a complete knowledge and understanding of the truth and our interpretation of the truth). This is direct seeing. This means, we do not cling to ‘our’ interpretation, but see that our interpretation is coloured by our whole life’s experiences. The real truth is seen the moment we become aware of our own bias (screen). Usually, it is so transparent, we do not even realize we are always looking through it (like wearing glasses)…but the moment we know it is there, we are aware of the truth as it is as well as our ‘modified’ interpretation.

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  2. The real truth and our interpretation of truth is an ever shifting/moving/coming/going affair in a “now you see me, now you don’t” kind of optical illusion, it’s an ink blot/it’s an elephant, sort of way. There is no steady state of being/seeing anywhere. If it isn’t coming, it’s turning around, or it’s going. It’s Hermes, no it’s Mercury. It’s great. It’s hilarious. “The situation is hopeless, but it is not serious.”

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