June 01, 2024 – A

Tidal Creek Mirror 05/03/2019 — Savanna, Georgia
Finding our way to the things 
that need to be done,
and doing them in the right way,
in the right place,
at the right time,
is all that is asked of us.

And we get plenty of practice in the art,
because it is asked of us
in each situation as it arises.

We can begin practicing recognizing
situations as they arise.

We spill the milk
and create a situation.

The dog needs to go out
and creates a situation.

How many situations come with each day?
Make a list.
Learn to spot them as they begin to develop.
Step into them looking for what needs to be done.

And notice how you utalize
your original nature,
your inherent virtues/virtuosities
(What you do best and enjoy doing most)
and your intrinsic intuition
in meeting each situation
and doing there what needs to be done.

Practicing your awareness
is practicing your responsiveness.
And raising the level of your
in each situation as it arises.


Published by jimwdollar

I'm retired, and still finding my way--but now, I don't have to pretend that I know what I'm doing. I retired after 40.5 years as a minister in the Presbyterian Church USA, serving churches in Louisiana, Mississippi and North Carolina. I graduated from Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, in Austin, Texas, and Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, Louisiana. My wife, Judy, and I have three daughters, five granddaughters, one great granddaughter, and a great grandson on the way, within about ten minutes from where we live--and are enjoying our retirement as much as we have ever enjoyed anything.

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